Number of Active Flights
Number of Active Flights
Total number of flights that are accessible in your account. As long as your plan is active, you will be able to access flights indefinitely, up to the maximum flights allowed by your plan.
Once you exceed the flight quota limit for your plan, flights will be archived for a specified period.
Archived flights will still be used in calculating aggregate statistics, but access to detailed information from archived flights will only be available for those who upgrade their account.
An archive recovery fee will apply for certain plans.
Please see Flight Archiving or the Frequently Asked Questions for more details.
Resolution of 10 Records/sec
Hi-Def resolution
Essential for Health Diagnosis
Battery Efficiency
Battery Minor/Major Deviations
Volts and Amps Reports
The Volts and Amps reports are useful to better understand the energy used throughout the flights and to identify potential issues.
These reports are available for each flight, under POWER->Volts and Amps
Battery Info
Sensors and Control Health
Photo Storage
DJI GO log files may contain up to 4 low-res photos per flight, and these will get automatically extracted and displayed if available.
Other apps (currently only Litchi) allow uploading up to 10 low-res photos per flight.
Take-off Address Detection
Above Sea Level Altitude
Ground Weather i Historical weather based on approximate location and flight time
CSV and KML Downloads
Flight Sharing Options
Shared Access Pilots
The total number of pilots who may share this account and plan limits.
Shared pilots do not have login credentials to Airdata. Only the main account holder is able to login.
Shared pilots may use their own auto-upload token. This simplifies the automatic upload from the various supported flight apps, as these flights will be automatically assigned to this shared pilot.
Shared pilots can also be assigned to each flight for tracking and reporting purposes.
If you require unique login credentials with role-based access controls (i.e. each pilot can log in, or only see their own flight data), please contact us about our Enterprise offering.
Multi Logins i Allow multiple users/pilots to login with various levels of permissions
Flight Roles i Add additional flight participants to each flight such as Visual Observer, Mission Commander, Sensor Operator, etc.
No Advertisements
Prioritized Flight Processing i Paid subscribers will have priority processing when automatically syncing flights. So flights will show up faster in the flight list.
InFlight Wind Data i Advanced in-flight wind analysis, based on 3D aerodynamic profile per each aircraft type
Drone Management
The "DRONES" section is available directly under "MY LOGS", where you can manage each drone, view usage and flight history.
Number of Drones
Refers to the number of drones available under Drone Management.
Number of Drones
The "DRONES" section is available directly under "MY LOGS", where you can manage each drone, view usage and flight history.
Number of Drones
Refers to the number of drones available under Drone Management.
Battery Management
The "BATTERIES" section is available directly under "MY LOGS", where you can manage each battery, view usage, flight history and various trends.
Number of Batteries
Refers to the number of batteries available under Battery Management.
Number of Batteries
The "BATTERIES" section is available directly under "MY LOGS", where you can manage each battery, view usage, flight history and various trends.
Number of Batteries
Refers to the number of batteries available under Battery Management.
Batteries Trends i Battery trends are available under the Battery Management section.
Maintenance i Recommend, manage and keep track of battery and drone maintenance.
One-off service items i The ability to add and record one-off service items such as propeller changes or firmware upgrades
Custom Maintenance i Set up custom maintenance services based on different parameters and thresholds.
Download Original Log Data i The ability to download the original file that was uploaded (TXT, CSV, ZIP, etc).
Alerts - Equipment i Set thresholds and get alerted on potential equipment issues like battery temperature and cell deviations
Alerts - Pilot Behavior i Set thresholds and get alerted on flying behavior like exceeding max altitude, flying beyond line of sight (distance), take-off and landing below certain battery percentage, etc.
Regulatory Reports i Create compliance reports for a specific time period, per aircraft, etc. These reports are intended to assist with regulatory reporting requirements (FAA or equivalent).
Mission Planning
Collaborate and proactively plan
Advanced Reporting i Create custom reports that can be re-run, copied, or saved as templates. Report templates can be used to quickly and easily meet desired reporting standards.
Custom Checklists i Create your own pre-flight and post-flight checklists. Pilots can complete checklists on their mobile devices while online or offline.
Online Document Storage i Upload and manage operation-related documents such as certificates, registrations & warranties. Documents can be uploaded to flights, pilots, drones and batteries. Manage expiration dates of documents.
API Access i Access information via REST API Documentation
Live Streaming i Live stream any flight app! very low latency and very easy to use. This is an optional add-on feature to the Enterprise plan
Over Quota Flight Archiving
Flights in excess of your plan limit will be archived for a specified period of time beginning with the oldest flight in the system. Within the time limit specified by your plan, the flight archive may be restored to your account by upgrading. An Archive Recovery Fee will apply, but will be waived for those who upgrade to an annual plan.
There is no limit to the number of flights which can be archived, but flights outside of the archive period are not recoverable.
Please see Frequently Asked Questions for more details
Restore Archived Flights
Restore Archived Flights
You may elect to restore your archived flights to your active flights in order to get specific flight details. In order to 'restore' your archived flights, users will need to upgrade to higher plan. There is an archive restoration fee of $15. The archive restoration fee is waived if you upgrade to an annual plan.
Please note, the number of flights restored will be limited to the plan flight quota which you upgrade to, i.e. if you have 500 archived flights and upgrade to the HD 360 Lite plan, only your most recent 400 flights will be restored. The other 100 flights will remain in the archive for the remainder of the new archive period (12 months) from the date which the flight was originally archived.
6 Months
12 Months
Waived for Annual Plans
12 Months
Waived for Annual Plans
24 Months
Waived for Annual Plans
Want to learn more about our Enterprise offering?
Contact us below to learn more about our unlimited Enterprise plan.
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