Fly more in 2019 with these 12 new features
by Eran Steiner • January 15, 2019
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How can I sync my parrot disco?
Currently, you have to do it manually, by going to the flight app and sharing the flight via email, for example, then upload the JSON file to Airdata. In the future, we will have auto sync, similar to how we do it with DJI.
Great news on the AGL feature! We have some areas we fly that the best takeoff spot may be at the bottom of the slope (in the hollow) and we need to fly to the top of the mountain, sometimes several hundreds of feet in elevation. Our flight records were showing extremely high altitudes, when in fact we were not going over 400 AGL or that far above the tree tops. Very interested in testing this new AGL reading for accuracy.
Is there any API available for downloading the flight records? It would be nice for automating the creation of map tracks for videos for example.
How did you decrypt the Mavic2 logs on the bird? I have trued with no success.
Will Parrot's eBee Plus be able to add flight logs or auto sync in the future?
Thanks for the great work on this app.
I am a commercial drone operator in Singapore and this app really helps my team in ensuring standards are met.
How can I sync my phantom 3 data , with no cellular connection
I use litchi
What is the benefit of uploading DAT files? Specifically, what additional flight parameters would show up in the reports?
There are no additional parameters displayed when uploading the DAT file.
With that said, there are 2 benefits for DAT files:
1) Since the DAT file is recorded on the aircraft itself, you will get the path/position of your Aircraft even if you lost the connection with the remote control. Tablet based logs do not contain any information in that case.
2) If you are flying a flight app that is either not supported, or not generating any log file, you can still get the DAT file from the Aircraft and upload to Airdata to maintain all records.
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Can You do Laanc authorizations with Airdata?
We currently do not offer LAANC, but it is on our product roadmap .