Airdata can help identify defective TB50/TB55 batteries.
TB50/TB55 Safety Alert
In the past few days there have been multiple reports of crashes with the TB50 and TB55 batteries:
BBC News - Police ground drones after reports they fall out of the sky
Engadget - Some DJI Matrice 200 drones are falling out of the sky
UK Civil Aviation Authority - DJI Matrice 200 Series In-Flight Power Failures
DJI has issued the following announcement today:
DJI - DJI Advises Customers To Fly With Caution When Using TB50 And TB55 Batteries In Drones
The affected drones are the Inspire 2, Matrice 200, Matrice 210 and Matrice 210 RTK.
Airdata can help detect bad TB50/TB55 batteries
To help with this safety issue, Airdata has developed a new alerting algorithm based on data from 6,000,000 flights, to help determine when there may be an issue with the TB50/TB55 batteries.
How does Airdata do it?
We have built a database with statistical voltage information per each battery percent level. This database is able to determine high risk batteries based on statistical deviations and data curves. We were able to verify our results with actual flights that crashed due to bad TB50/TB55 batteries.
Where can I find this service on Airdata?
When you upload a flight, we automatically scan the entire flight for these anomalies.
There are 2 ways to find this data:
1. Flight Notifications Page: Navigate to the Flight->General->Notifications page, look at the event list. You will see something like this:
2. Receive Automatic Alerts: You may configure an alert and be automatically notified when this issue occurs with any of your TB50/TB55 batteries.
An alert will be sent when the voltage drops below the appropriate voltage threshold:
* Equipment based alerts are available in Airdata's HD 360 Pro and Enterprise plans.
Except the auto alerts only seems to apply to new flights? I tested this theory by setting up a maximum battery tempt of 80f and have no alert emails when I have lots of flights with batteries at 112f... how can we apply the alert to our history or flights logs?
Hi Ed, to prevent blasting those who upload many older flights (for example, more employees are adding their older flights), the alerts will get triggered for flights that are 2 weeks or newer. In the future this will be configurable.