10 awesome new features!
by Eran Steiner • September 02, 2018
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Absolutely these new features are cool! I found it helpful to me as a hobbyist and at the same time a traveler.
Hi, I am new to this drone society, I have seen in the first feature on the picture that it shows directions. My question is, does this software can be a tracker? What is the difference between this software and a tracking device?
Hi, we use the flight log file from the tablet you fly with, so it's very similar to a tracker, although we do not require any additional hardware. Please sign up for a free account and give it a shot!
Hello Eran, Does it have real-time tracking? Just like any of those tracking devices? I have with me my Phantom 4 Advanced I badly need to secure my drone because it takes me years to buy a new one. The money that I used to buy this drone is from my extra savings so it is hard for me to lose my drone. I maybe invest for a tracker.
Hi, as far as I know, this will only store your flight data/flight logs and the good thing is you can easily review your flights, the place and the directions of the flight done on a specific date, also the condition of your drone in your flight and after the flight but not like a tracking device that has real-time tracking or live tracking. I think investing for a tracking device is not bad it is for your own sake, safety, security and satisfaction.
Not bad Noir, In fact, I am using both, the Airdata and a GPS device or should we call it GPS tracking device of trackimo. Weird right? but this will guarantee me the safety security of my drone.
Need the app work onCrystalsky
Hi Roger, please see https://app.airdata.com/sync-app and specifically https://app.airdata.com/sync-app-crystalsky . I hope this helps!